Frequently Asked Questions

1) When was the server made?

The server was created September 6th, 2023

2) Who are the moderators?

Sabe, Bizz, McCheerio, Jaz, and A Hint of Pepper

3) What are some important coords?

Spawn - 0 0 End - 408 -1840 (Nether Roof)

4) Where is the server hosted?

Montreal, Canada

5) What version is the server on?


6) What is the world size?

25k x 25k

7) Are we allowed to dupe things?

The only allowed dupes are gravity block dupers, tnt dupers, carpet dupers, string dupers, tripwire hook dupers, and rail dupers. The use of any other types of dupe will be met with punishment

8) Are we allowed to use chunk loaders?

Yes, chunk loaders are allowed (Please be mindful of the server when setting them up and using them)

9) Are we allowed to create mob switches?


10) Will there ever be a world reset?

No we don’t ever plan on resetting the Overworld. If we ever need to, we have the ability to reset the outer end islands and the lower parts of the nether to make finding ancient debris and end cities easier in the future.